Digital Belt and Road Program (DBAR) is an international science program for the sustainable development of the Belt and Road Region using Big Earth Data. DBAR advocates for the integration of Big Earth Data applications in the design, planning and monitoring of different aspects of human activities.
Themes of the 4th DBAR Conference:
For SDG 2: Big Earth Data Applications in Agriculture and Food Security
For SDG 6: Big Earth Data Applications in Sustainable Water Resource Management
For SDG 11: Big Earth Data Applications in Urban Environment and Sustainable Urban Development
For SDG 11: Big Earth Data Applications in Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservation
For SDG 13: Big Earth Data Applications in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change
For SDG 14: Big Earth Data Applications Sustainable Management of Coast and Sea
For SDG 15: Big Earth Data Applications in Environmental Change and Sustainability
For SDG 15: Observations of Changes in High Mountain and Arctic Cold Regions and Adaptation strategies
Data Infrastructure and Platform for Bit Earth Data
Big Earth Data to Support the Assessment of SDG indicators